The Shocking Truth About Your Trading Style

Hey traders,

Over the past 10 days or so, I’ve been laying out the pieces of my strategy for you.

I’ve told you that I’m expecting a rally — and wouldn’t you know it, it’s already underway.

I’ve explained how I plan to play it — NOT with risky, speculative options trades, but with higher-probability income plays like covered calls, credit spreads, and naked puts.

I’ve even shared exactly how I set up my charts to find the best stocks, and gave you a handful of vetted stocks to get you started.

But here’s the thing…

I know some of you out there are still looking at me with that smirk, like you’re not quite buying what I’m selling.

You know what I’m talking about. The ones thinking, “5% a week, Jack? Come on… I need 100%, 200% gains!”

That’s why today, I want to talk about something important.

In all my years of trading, I’ve noticed a pattern.

After folks get a taste for different strategies — even if they’ve had successes with all of them — they start gravitating toward a particular style.

And what I’ve come to realize is this: People end up trading their personality.

Let me explain.

The Gambler

There are folks who will always chase high-risk, high-reward strategies.

They’re aiming for the 100% … 200% or bigger home run wins.

But here’s the thing… their win rate usually isn’t so great. They might score big once in a while, but they’re also losing a lot along the way.

The Strategist

Then there are traders like me. We learn a strategy that dramatically raises our odds and we’re hooked.

And even though we’re “only” pulling in 4-6% per trade on average, we understand the power of stacking those “small,” more consistent wins over time.

Especially when you’re placing those trades week after week. You know what 4-6% per week comes out to on an annualized basis? It’s huge.

Which One Are You?

So, at the end of the day, I’ve noticed that people end up trading their personality.

Are you someone who needs the flashy, high-risk, high-reward trades? Are you willing to risk it all for the chance at a triple-digit gain?

Or do you appreciate the slow and steady wins — the kind that add up over time and give you a real shot at growing your account consistently?

I’m not here to shame anyone. We all have our style.

But I know what the answer is for me.

Trade well,

Jack Carter

P.S. I just recorded a video sharing exactly how I target higher-probability, 4-6% wins week after week! Check it out here.
