The Dangers of Young Success

You can’t give a young kid that much money — it goes straight to their head.

I learned this lesson the hard way, back when I was just starting out and experiencing my first taste of real success.

Picture this: I had just started working at a brokerage firm, and thanks to my Series 7 license, I got the job. I was making serious money, more than I had ever seen before. And boy, did I spend it wildly.

I remember Max Star, the tailor, coming into the office to measure me for custom suits while I was working. I was living the high life, and it felt like nothing could stop me.

At the time, I drove flashy cars and splurged on things I didn’t need.

Custom suits, expensive dinners, you name it. I was riding high and loving every minute of it. But looking back, I realize how reckless I was.

Fast forward to now, and I drive an old pickup I love with 178,000 miles on it. And I bought my motorcycle because I like it, not because I’m trying to show off. What changed?

I learned that while it’s great to celebrate your success, you have to stay grounded. You can’t let the money get to your head.

Here’s the lesson I want to share with you: when you start having success with your trading, remember the hard work that got you there.

Treat your money with respect. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and start spending wildly, but that’s a fast track to losing it all.

Success in trading isn’t just about making money; it’s about managing it wisely. Keep a level head, stay humble, and remember the lessons that brought you to where you are.

Celebrate your wins, but never forget the journey that got you there.

Trade well,

Jack Carter

P.S. I learned the hard way about wasteful spending, but did you you know the government is a master at it? Imagine if you could tap into the companies benefiting from all that wasted money. Check out what I discovered here.
