GOOG, MSFT Send Options Into a Frenzy

The Nasdaq is taking it on the chin today… And options are going nuts as a result.

Part of it is because investors are not liking the earnings they’re seeing. Especially those from Google (GOOG), even though their numbers were pretty good.

On the other hand, Microsoft (MSFT) got a big pop after earnings.

In both cases, we’re seeing a dramatic overreaction, which is driving volatility higher.

And if you’ve been following me for any length of time, you’ll know that I love volatility.

Because volatility drives options prices higher.

And when you’re an options seller — as everyone should be — higher options prices just mean you can charge more for the same thing.

It’s like selling bottles of ice cold water at the beach. People will pay a premium just to get that delicious refreshment.

If any of this has resonated with you, you’re going to want to join me tomorrow, Thursday October 26th @ 11am Eastern.

I’ll be talking through the disastrous response to GOOG’s earnings. Click here to save your spot and join me.

Trade well,

Jack Carter
