Cracking the Market Calendar

Hey Traders,

We’ve talked a lot about spotting trends on charts…

Well, did you know there’s a whole other level of trend analysis you can unlock? And it involves looking at the bigger picture — seasonal trends.

These aren’t your typical short-term chart patterns. These are trends that play out across years.  Think of them as mega-trends within the calendar year.

Decoding the Market Calendar

Here’s the deal:  Certain stocks have a historical habit of going up around the same time each year. In a simple sense, you can think of it like retail stocks tend to go up around the holidays… Travel-related companies tend to go up during the summer… When you think of it that way, it makes sense, right?

When people are buying, the stock price goes up.

The key is to identify these recurring seasonal patterns in a reliable way.

By analyzing historical price charts, we can sometimes see trends … and that lets us potentially position ourselves for profitable trades when these windows of opportunity open.

The Hard Work Behind Seasonal Profits

Now, unlike some of the simple scans I’ve shown you in my other articles that you can do with free online tools, uncovering seasonal trends is a different beast. There’s no “easy button” for it.

Simply put, spotting reliable seasonality involves a lot of time and effort.

It takes detailed analysis of historical price charts, often going back multiple years. And you need to be able to filter out the noise of random fluctuations to find actual, tradable patterns.

Hard, But Worth It

Because it’s so hard to find good seasonality plays, I jumped when my team came to me with a list of stocks that have gone up on the same dates for 10 or more years in a row.

It’s honestly the most impressive data set I’ve ever seen.

It took them over a year of dedicated research to build this list… taking massive amounts of time to analyze charts, identify patterns, and filter out “random noise.”

If you want to see what we’ve built with this data, I put together this video for you to watch.

In it, I explain how the strategy works and I even give you 10 tickers — completely FREE — along with the dates they have historically popped, again and again, over the past 10 years.

Like I said, I think this is one of the most powerful data sets I’ve ever worked with and I can’t wait to share it with you. Check it out right here.

Trade well,

Jack Carter

A nervous trader, hand on his head, sweating buckets, with a frazzled look on his face, stares at a computer screen while his wife and children are seen in the background looking on.

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