A Better Way To Trade This Soft Market

The market may be up slightly, but it doesn’t have the strength we, as traders, look for.

But that doesn’t matter, because there’s a better way to trade — one that’s BOOMING right now.

And to make things even better, I’ve got a special way that I play these trades that makes them extra satisfying.

But this type of trade isn’t just for today. It’s not just for this particular market we find ourselves in.

I’ve been using it for decades to grow my nest egg.

And it’s the only technique I have turned to — no matter what stocks are doing — to pull consistent income from the markets.

You can learn all about it tomorrow — Wednesday, June 27th at 1pm Eastern.

I’ll be LIVE with Jeffry Turnmire to pull back the curtain on what I consider my favorite income technique. Click here to reserve your spot to join us by clicking this link.

Trade well,

Jack Carter
Jack Carter Trading
