What to Make of Yesterday’s Whipsaw

The markets went crazy yesterday, rallying back huge even though the CPI number was pretty ugly.

It’s almost like investors were saying, “we’re tired of playing this game.”

But make no mistake: we’re still in a bear market. So here’s what you have to do to keep your head in the game and stay ahead of the curve.

Folks, I’ve been saying it, and I’ll keep saying it:

The best thing you can do for your trading right now is learn how to trade both ways.

I’m only beating you over the head with this because it’s working. In fact, we’re probably about to close our SIXTH winner since we launched this thing just three weeks ago! Six of seven wins, and our loss was a manageable 35%.

Do you know any other techniques with an 85% win rate right now?

You don’t because that’s unheard of in these markets. So take the time to learn this today.
