What a Crazy Week!

Between earnings coming out, and noise over the Fed rate hike, lets take a few minutes to recap.

All of this was expected.

The market went from being in the red, to being well into the green.

We saw some stocks make amazing moves, the premiums were higher than I’ve ever seen.

But that didn’t last long.

Those same stocks dropped real hard, real fast exactly when I expected them to.

This brought a change in the market overall.

I see a choppy market in our future but no worries I have plenty of tips for you.

One thing you can do is limit your focus to a few stocks that are likely to perform well in a short time frame.

Each month, I release my top pick for the month ahead to a group of traders, and I’ll release my next pick on Tuesday.

If you want to receive that pick, click here to learn more about how to join.

A bunch of complicated formulas floating around with question marks in the background, indicating confusion.

It’s All Greek To Me

People are shocked when I tell them that I’ve been in the markets for almost 40 years. I’ve been trading options and making money for

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