What my nine-year-old grandson taught me about investing

What my nine-year-old grandson taught me about investing

My grandson Jack is only nine years old. We call him ‘little Jack’. He’s a baseball player and has quite the personality for a guy his age.

He’s also better at picking stocks than a lot of the people I knew on Wall Street…

Let me be clear: Little Jack is a bright kid. He’s not a savant or anything like that, but I can already tell he won’t flunk ninth grade math like I did. For now, he’s just paying attention to being a fourth grader, like he should be.

So how did little Jack get so good at helping me trade naked puts?

The Signals are Easy to See

Little Jack isn’t on earnings calls or tuning into Jim Cramer or anything like that. He’s a normal fourth grader, like I said.

But last year I showed little Jack my ‘Trend Point’ software. He thinks it’s the coolest thing. Everything is color-coded, so it’s straightforward, really easy to use. No bells and whistles, no noise from Wall Street.

The concept is simple. Trend Point tracks stocks and creates a color-coded signal when stocks set off certain indicators. When several indicators are set off at the same time, it tells me that I should consider a naked put on that position. The colors are what little Jack sees – it makes it so easy to follow.

Little Jack has an eye for these things. All he does is pay attention to the color-coded signals. Also, he’s too young to get overwhelmed with useless information.

Trust me: We’re not sending little Jack to Wall Street any time soon. We think he might be a baseball player some day. More than anything, just needs to be a kid right now.

Doesn’t that sound nice?

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A bunch of complicated formulas floating around with question marks in the background, indicating confusion.

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