Successful Traders Do 2 Things Differently

Look at the headlines anytime over the past 6 months…

One thing you’ll see is that no matter how good the market was doing, someone was always predicting a crash.

Too many people spend their time reading the headlines, predicting market movements, and worrying about which way the market will go without ever actually doing any trading.

And that just bugs me. Because predicting is just guessing…

I prefer to react.

I see a confirmed trend, I react to it by trading that trend.

Because trends are real things that are already happening… Not a guess about what might happen.

See, nearly 40 years in the markets has taught me one important thing first hand:

That the easiest way to see what is going to happen tomorrow is to look at what happened yesterday.

You remember high school physics?

“An object in motion tends to stay in motion.”

That’s how trends work.

Once a stock gets going on a bullish trend, the most likely path is that it will continue on that same trend.

Back in March, I wrote this article where I shared 3 stocks that were in strong, long-term trends.

I believed then that they would be great stocks to use to generate income. (the tickers were SMCI, AVGO and NVDA)

Most people who read that article probably looked up the stocks and that’s where it ended…

Maybe they got distracted and forgot about it.

Or maybe they saw the headlines talking about a crash and figured they didn’t want to take the risk.

But anyone who actually generated income from those stocks did 2 things differently.

And it’s the same 2 things successful traders always do:

  1. They ignored the headlines – As I said before, there’s always going to be some nut screaming from the rooftops about the market being overbought, or some key level that is going to send the market into a tailspin. Successful traders ignore the headlines.
  2. They took action – Ignoring the headlines isn’t enough. Successful traders then take action using a proven strategy.

So there you have it — two simple things you can do to immediately zoom past 95% of people who are sitting on the sidelines waiting for the next big crash before they do anything.

This week, in my next few posts, I’m going to break down each of the 3 stocks I shared…

Show you how they’ve performed since March 14th when I recommended them…

And most important, show you how much cash they could have generated for anyone who took action.

If you didn’t take action on those 3 stocks back in March, you might read my next few articles and want to scream. Or cry.

Here’s my advice: don’t do either one.

Simply take it as a lesson and move forward as a stronger trader.

Stay tuned, this week is going to be a doozy.

UPDATE: Here’s the first article where I discuss how we could have done with covered calls on AVGO over the last few months.

Trade well,

Jack Carter

P.S. I just held my first AVGO Cash Generation Blueprint class today. It’s not too late to get in. Check it out here.
