How I’m Trading Today’s ‘Wobbly’ Market

There’s no directional bias in the market right now, so we’re not seeing a lot of follow through.

This is the type of market I call “wobbly.” A lot of investors are uncertain about what the future holds, and we’re still seeing some volatility.

While these aren’t the best conditions for stock investors, they’re great for options traders…  

Volatility drives up the price of options contracts. And as I mentioned on Tuesday, that’s where there’s money to be made.

Almost everyone from institutions to retail traders are diving into the options market.

Institutions are putting trillions of dollars into short-dated options to ensure they’re not left out in the event of a rally. And retail traders are buying calls on their favorite stocks because they get more bang for their buck than buying shares of stock alone.

But my favorite way to make money in the options market isn’t buying calls like everyone else is doing…

It’s being an options seller.

Want to see what I mean?

Go Here to See My Strategy

Trade well,

Jack Carter
Jack Carter Trading
